
  • Add a New Payee (Payment Recipient)
    PAYEES are the recipients of Debit Transactions Click on the ADMINISTRATION tab Select the PAYEES/PAYORS sub-tab Select ADD NEW PAYEE sub-tab Enter the NAME you…

  • Add a New Payor (Source of Income)
    PAYORS are the sources of Credit Transactions.  They might be contributors, donators, etc. Click on the ADMINISTRATION tab Select the PAYEES/PAYORS sub-tab Select ADD NEW…

  • Record a Bank Deposit
    Click on the TRANSACTIONS tab Click on the NEW CREDIT TRANSACTION sub-tab Select which FUND the deposit will be for Enter a TRANSACTION NAME (i.e.…

  • Record a Check, Withdrawal or Debit Transaction
    Click on the TRANSACTIONS tab Click on the NEW DEBIT TRANSACTION sub-tab Select which FUND the debit will be under Enter the CHECK # if…