Record a Bank Deposit

Click on the TRANSACTIONS tab Click on the NEW CREDIT TRANSACTION sub-tab Select which FUND the deposit will be for Enter a TRANSACTION NAME (i.e. Church Offerings, Kid’s Kompass Contribution, etc.) The DATE will default to today’s date, but you can change it if you want. Enter in the deposit…

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Add a New Payor (Source of Income)

PAYORS are the sources of Credit Transactions.  They might be contributors, donators, etc. Click on the ADMINISTRATION tab Select the PAYEES/PAYORS sub-tab Select ADD NEW PAYOR sub-tab Enter the NAME of the payor Enter any additional information about the payor Click on SUBMIT

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Add a New Payee (Payment Recipient)

PAYEES are the recipients of Debit Transactions Click on the ADMINISTRATION tab Select the PAYEES/PAYORS sub-tab Select ADD NEW PAYEE sub-tab Enter the NAME you wish this payee to be called  (This is what will appear in the drop-down lists) Enter any additional information about the payee If you will…

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